The heraldic coat of arms of the Anzino Public Institute symbolically represents the origins of the institution and the values that inspired its foundation and work. For this purpose, references to its history and symbols have been inserted to illustrate what is mentioned above.
The shield is divided into four parts, each of which refers to a specific area of the activity of the Public Institute:
The coat of arms of the Papal State is inserted in the upper left part. In fact, the Institute originated in it on March 17, 1832. The papal tiara and the decussate keys with a cord knotted on a red field have for centuries been the symbols of the temporal power of the popes.
In the lower right part there is the coat of arms of Pope Gregory XVI, belonging to the “Cappellari” family, reigning Pontiff in the year in which the founders of the Public Institute of Anzino (1832) gave life to the institution in Rome. It contains the black galero (ecclesiastical headdress) on a gray background, the three six-pointed stars on a red background, the doves on the chalice on a blue background.
In the upper right part, as the symbol of Anzino, the lily of S. Antonio is inserted, which historically, due to the link with the Paduan Wonderworker, has become a symbol of the town itself. It is also a symbol of purity of heart, a necessary skill to manage well a patrimony so useful to the community.
In the lower left part, on a blue field, a pelican is in the act of tearing its breast to feed its young with its flesh. This is the symbol of charity, a sentiment that inspired the founders of the organization in providing to support the elderly population in the needs of the time and which still inspires and animates the work of the administration and the associates.
The colors present in the coat of arms are red, which is the heraldic color of Ossola and blue, a color that symbolizes justice in heraldry.
A cartouche bearing the motto "Caritas in veritate", or "Charity in truth", is added to the coat of arms. The motto indicates the union of two important virtues for the exercise of the association. Without applying truth, and therefore justice, there can be no presence of true and sincere charity. This virtue certainly inspired the founders and all the benefactors of the public institute of Anzino over the years.
The coat of arms was approved by the Board of Directors on 21 September 2012.